My name is Lucila, also known as Luli Bunny, an Argentine illustrator and graphic designer currently based in London, UK. With over a decade of experience, I have crafted designs for toys, stationery, and games, along with illustrated books for clients worldwide. I love animals, particularly small, furry, and feathered friends, often finding inspiration sketching in the park while observing the birds.

Benchmark Education | Cartoon Network | Corriere de la Sera | Davide + Charlotte | Dudu Town Books | Deux Coq’s d’or/Hachette | Editorial Beeme | Editorial Puerto de Palos | Estación Mandioca | Grupo Clarín | Éditions Gründ Jeunesse | HMH Publishing | Footy Argentina | Igloo Books | Ivy Press | Kapelusz | Mama Elephant | MiniLou | Momiji | Mo´s Daughters | Oxford University Press | Papel Picado | Phillips Avent | Samsung Publishing Korea | Scholastic | Squishy Inc | Tattyoo | Tesco | Triciclo Editores | Yoyo Books
2023 | Wonderpets 5 Art Show (California, USA)
2022 | Jornadas de Manga y el Anime – Demon Slayer exhibition (BA, Argentina)
2022 | Wonderpets 4 Art Show (California, USA)
2022 | Jornadas de Manga y el Anime – XXV anniversary of One Piece tribute (BA, Argentina)
2019 | El Juguete Rabioso at Centro Cultural Recoleta (BA, Argentina)
2018 | Kleurboel at Het Stadsmus (Hasselt, Belgium)
2017 | Star-Crossed Love at Gallery 205 (Tennessee, USA)
2016 | Indie Toys AR at Espacio Cabrera (BA, Argentina)
2016 | HUSH: Solo Exhibition at the Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación (BA, Argentina)
2016 | OTOTOY (Medellín, Colombia)
2015 | Kawaii at Espacio Cabrera (BA, Argentina)
2015 | Showcase 100 (London, UK)
2014 | Diseñadores en el Jardín Japonés (BA, Argentina)
2014 | Moon Crisis: A Sailor Moon Tribute Art Show (California, USA)
2014 | Doggie Wonderland Art Benefit (California, USA)
2013 | Story Time Group Show (California, USA)
2013 | Artistas Urbanas at Espacio Cabrera (BA, Argentina)
2013 | Artists For Animals (Quebec, Canada)
2013 | Puma Urban Art (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
2012 | Inspiration Day – Conferencia “Diseño de personajes” (BA, Argentina)
2012 | Pablove One Another (California, USA)
2012 | Puzzle Street Art (BA, Argentina)
2012 | Puma Urban Art (BA, Argentina)
2011 | Pictoplasma Missing Link Research Exhibition (Paris, France)
2011 | Pequeño mundo de personajes Inspiration Fest (BA, Argentina)